From: htoaster@yabbs To: Fastjack@yabbs Subject: re: Which Unix to Run? Date: Mon Jan 17 09:12:50 1994 In message Which Unix to Run?, Fastjack said: > Although it isn't public, and most certainly not free (legally), there is > also SCO Unix which I hear has good compatibility with a variety of > systems. Since someone brought up NeXTStep for Intel, I should also > mention SunSoft's Solaris 2.x for Intel. But I would lean towards the > SCO, though I haven't used it, and though I run Sun machines now. I wouldn't reccomend unix after working for a company that had bought it. Their tech support is completely awful, their prices are high, and you aren't going to get a much higher quality product that you would be going with another vendor. If you want a commercial system right now I would look at BSDI (if a BSD based system is okay) or one of the other sysV based systems (I've heard lots good about Dell, but never have used it). > Also, since Novell bought the rights to the Unix name, they have released > it to the public domain; correct me if I'm wrong. No more spelling it > Un*x... The didn't do that, but instead that any system that meets a certain spec (a book of about 500 pages) could be called Unix. There are still complications that stop systems like Linux and NetBSD from being called Unix... alex