From: phragger@yabbs To: cosmos@yabbs Subject: re: Which pub *nix to run... Date: Sun Dec 5 09:52:59 1993 if you are gonna run with only 8m, linux is the one to go for. basically because it can run X w/ 8megs and not start swapping on the first few xterms. linux is VERY MESSY (imho), but i've heard they have at least on some point been thinking about cleaning it up. Well, anyways, it works, most bsd and posix and sysv stuff compile easy. there is netbsd and freebsd on the bsd side. netbsd is still very much in its infancy, with yet no shared libs (kiss x goodbye) and even a machine dependet kmem thingimajig (almost, called it an api, tsiisus), but they're supposed to fix that "later". netbsd is gonna be on very many platforms, amiga, apple, ipm, sun3, hp300. the amiga version can do sun3 binaries, etc. but as far as i know, everything except the ipm version are betabetabeta. about freebsd i don't know much at all. somebody else prob talk about that. but the newse version is 1.1alpha (as far as i know) and the only thing i know about it that it isn't "stable"....