From: jmac@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: TelNet FTP Date: Thu Nov 4 16:56:17 1993 Currently I only have TelNet access and am dire need of FTP. As a work-around I am contemplating writing a simple file transfer program which will run in my Unix dir and let me DL files to my PC. What I plan to do is write a prog. which reads in 1K chunks, converts the chunk to 7 bits, does a CRC and sends it to my computer. On my end I'll verify the CRC, expand back to 8 bits and write the block to my drive. The proj. seems easy enough. My only concern is that the terminal emulator will get in the way and I won't be able to send the full chr. set thru TelNet. Is there anyway to force TelNet into binary mode, or turn off terminal emulation? Also, do you think I would encounter any problems in using this method?? Thanks.