From: lancer@yabbs To: reaper@yabbs Subject: re: UNIX session intercepting.. Date: Sun Jan 24 01:45:41 1993 Yeah, that article was pretty lame... Most of that stuf was done the hard way... Easiest is just to look over somebody's shoulder... *grin* Seriously, if you're going to go through all that trouble you must be pretty desperate for an account. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was interesting to see HOW the author got tty spoofing to work, but I wouldn't bother trying it even if I DID want an account. Give me a nice reality hack any day... If you've got root, you can do anything. It is VERY possible to intercept packets off the LAN and get any info you want. But if you've got root, why do you really WANT all that info? My experience has been that once someone gets root, they pretty much give up hacking out accounts... god, I sound like such a pessimist... *grin* .s.