From: savoire@yabbs To: jderyck@yabbs Subject: re: My bloody modem Date: Mon Sep 27 14:55:59 1993 Flow control problems. This will even happen if you are on a dumb terminal that is hooked up via network. YOu are telling the computer to spew out everything as fast as it can, and that speed is faster than the modem. The long and short of it is that you cannot cat things to stdout and expect long files to work fine. YOu have to 1)more them or 2) create your own cat program that provides pauses between each chunk of data to allow the buffer to clear. Something on the order of sending a 1k block, then waiting for a second, and sending another block .Sound like Zmodem yet? In fact, the most efficient way to do what you want to di is to Zmodem it tothe terminal PC. However, is there a program that is like my option 2, a sort of self-pacing more? I'd be interested to know about it. Happy trails Savoire Faire is everywhere...