From: johndeer@yabbs To: mephisto@yabbs Subject: muzak Date: Wed Apr 14 09:43:24 1993 mc 900 ft jesus: i've got his album Welcome to my Dream (there's another one out, forgot the name) and the song that you're talking about is "The City Sleeps". it's real good. actually, almost the entire album is really good.. if you have some extra $$$, it's worth buying (or you can mail me a tape...) fugazi...: the album "13 Songs" I believe is only available on tape.. they have it at the local Tower REcords in Rockville, MD.. you can mail Dischord Records if you want.. which is on Beecher Street, NW, Washington DC.. I forget the actual address. it's on the back of all of their albums. john Deere