From: fredbisc@yabbs To: snoblind@yabbs Subject: re: tape Date: Sun Apr 11 18:56:45 1993 yeah, we have a demo tape out and some live stuff. if you send me a tape and a little bit of postage money (i think 2 29 cent stamps) i'll tape everything i have for you, if you want the official tape it's available for one dollar from whirled records po box (i can't remember). well i guess i'll post that address later. that record label also has some other stuff coming out soon by local richmond bands. if you can e-mail me with your address and i'll get you on a mailing list. this offer is for anybody else reading too. my real life address is 703 johnson hall, richmond, va 23220-8461 and after april it'll be 117 chapel hill la, williamsburg, va 23188 my name is john swart. oh yeah fred...