From: natepalm@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Warlocks Date: Thu Mar 18 02:18:29 1993 I was listening to a band called the Warlock Pincers today. Tehy're so great... it's kind of like industrial meets rap... id' almost say the Beasties industrialized.. but that's my opinion. They've got some rad samples, and great lyrics. they tout themselves as the official sound of Satan. Some of their lyrics go: Mary Mary, quite contrary, Raped by god, a busted cherry They had no coathangers in that day, so she dropped Jesus in some hay He lived he laughed he loved he lost, they nailed that fucker to the cross. I jsut about died alughing when I heard that song.. It's call "Jesus on the Urinal Cake", I do believe. but they're from Denver, and they'e on the Waxtrax label. if you go to a waxtrax, LOOK FOR THEM. They have a few albums ,the only two that I can remember are _Deadly Kung Fu Action_ and _Circusized Peanuts_. they have a TON of merchandise too, like watches (the official time of Satan), and waterbottles, golf tees, little metal cars, face towels.. it's great. and with songs like Look, there's a chiken with a roll up it's butt, and Squeeze a Loaf, you know it has to be good. I highly reccomend it, but you may not be able to keep a straight face. Great music, hilarious lyrics at times... my rating: 8.3