From: fredbisc@yabbs To: buddha@yabbs Subject: re: Jello Date: Thu Mar 4 15:58:51 1993 yeah, i agree. i think the reason everything sounds like the dk is 'cause jello always writes the majority of the songs. also which lard did you hear? there are two and the second is much better than the first. i don't know too much about henry, but i saw a new spoken album in the record store the other day. i think you can also buy a lot of his books at hip record stores. i haven't heard of any exene spoken stuff or written for that matter, but she's put out several solo projects. did anyone catch that movie whose name escapes me now but featured one of the beastie boys and john doe (also of X fame)? i heard it was cool. also try to find some of richard kern's films. i think one features henry rollins. there is also one named death valley '69 with lydia lunch and the music of sonic youth. like i said before, i could go on for days. fredbisc