From: buddha@yabbs To: fredbisc@yabbs Subject: Jello Date: Wed Mar 3 22:41:14 1993 Just trying to keep this in the right base... I've got the NoMeansNo / Biafra tape, I love it, but I don't have the DOA one. Funny, though, I can't help but notice no matter who he sings with they end up sounding suspiciously like DK. I also found an interesting tape (bought it at a local store for a buck) which is an interview with him from right after the Frankenchrist ordeal. It's pretty cool... The Lard album's OK, but I'm not crazy about them. Speaking of spoken word, has anyone read any of Rollins' written stuff? I've heard some of his spoken word stuff, and he seems like an offbeat standup comic, but I've heard he has his own publishing company which basically publishes stuff by him and Exene from X (you know, from decline of western civ.?). Anyone know more about this? Ah well, good night. -Boo