From: mephisto@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: re: Helmet Date: Tue Feb 23 09:33:47 1993 Yeah, Meantime is great.... bang-your-head-off kind of stuff... But one of the best albums out right now is Broken by NIN. Simply amazing... Anyone hear the metal grammy nominations? They're all excellent bands... SoundGardegn, Ministry, Megadeth, NIN and Helmet. Problem is, only Meadeth is actually metal. Once they put in an Industrial category, etc, it'll be more fair to the true metal groups (of which I don't care much for anyways...). But I hope either Soundgarden or Megadeth gets it. The other ones weren't meant to be really commercial bands, and it wouldn't be real to hear everyone playing Helmet or Ministry. Mephistopheles