From: Slyguy@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Moshing vs. Slamming Date: Fri Aug 12 11:11:53 1994 please no offense here.....but slamming is friendly...moshing isn' may seem picky..nut to an aging punk it means a lot.. you are right though....there those assholes out there who just wanna hurt ppl no matter what. I went to a gig once, Operation Ivy and the Toasters, and there was thois hugs asshole who wanna to pick on all my little frineds. So I waited until later on....skanked on behind him and clothes-lined him into a cement pillar......hehe..a little petty of me, but he deserved it! I dso see what you're today don't know what that stuff is anyways...they don't even skank anymore.. enuff of my drivel sina again, slyguy