From: ydancer@yabbs To: skippy@yabbs Subject: re: heavy meatl Date: Mon Feb 22 18:22:39 1993 Maiden's the greatest band out there as far as I'm concearned (although their last couple of albums haven't lived up to my expectations.) I can't stand metallica. They're a bunch of stupid slobs (at least that's the image they're going for.) I saw them twice on their last tour in LA and it was pretty booring.. whenever lars spoke he said "fuck" every other word... jason's bass solo wasn't that great... and it was like.. 50 guys to every girl... I felt like the biggest wank there... I'm glad I didn't have to pay to see them. Maiden's awesome though... I saw them on their last tour and they kicked major ass.. Steve Harris is the most underrated bass player.. he can play rings around Les Claypool or Billy Sheehan.. he just doesn't show off but plays musically... The only bummer was that I hade these really shitty backstage passes.. this guy offered me $50 for each of them, but I said no because I thought that they were good passes, but they only got me into some stupid little "Meet Corrosion of Conformity" party... (like I'd want to meet them) and all they had back there was a bunch of industry rats (I guess I was one of them) and a cute blonde selling 6oz beers for $5.. should've sold those damn passes.. I heard a few tracks of Izzy's new album on the radio.. it sounds pretty bad... almost like a Tom Petty sort of thing... Anyone heard the news about Black Sabbath? The old bastards are getting back together and going on tour... I can't wait for that one...