From: Slyguy@yabbs To: Typhon@yabbs Subject: re: Moshing vs. Slamming Date: Thu Aug 11 14:07:38 1994 i don't want to personally attack you ar anything, but i feel you have the wrong attitude. I was in pits in Grade 7, and i am 25 now. When there was slammming then, there was no such thing as "moshing". Slam dancing was and will be a representation of resentment of the "up classes" - as originally said by Queenie of The Slits. Moshing is and always will be those who are out to hurt others and have total diregard for others - wether their assholes or not. Slamming was a punk thing, the idea of which i still like....moshing was a "metal" thing. sin again, slyguy