From: Typhon@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Moshing vs. Slamming Date: Wed Aug 10 17:48:32 1994 As an old hand in the Pit (Been going since I was 13, am 22 now) I thought I'd take this moment to tell people something:If you mosh into me and expect to get away with it, you are a dead man. Now, if I am IN the pit, I'm fair game. We all know that. And if I'm one of those buttheads who just mann the wall all night, kick me in the nads. But when i'm at the bart and some little malchick tries to make himself feel big by attacking me because I'm larger than him, he's a corpse. Same for a female spinning her heels in the red zone...If I'm in there, fine, but don't try to come out after me, cause I'll hurt you, and I know how. Typhon the Usurper