From: BLynch@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: moshing Date: Wed Aug 10 04:22:51 1994 moshing to instanbul (not constantinople) IS fun, trust me. let me just stick in my $19.95 for a second: if ou think it sucks having the brats around you, imagine how hard it is to be mistaken for one. there's this local band here that as the story goes "all the college kids started liking it, then the high school kids starting coming, and that was ok, but then the middle-schoolers started coming and it just got so annoying." now, as a ver recent ex-mid schooler, i think this sucks. 'cause people look at me and think "what a follower" but i'm really there for the music. so think twice before chewing some 13 year-olds ear off. they might need it to hear the music. later.