From: jujubee@yabbs To: Phreddie@yabbs Subject: re: concert Date: Tue Jul 26 08:43:11 1994 well, i think they're aussies...(i'm pretty sure)...and they play pretty bizarre music..they take some songs and do pretty bizarre cover versions of the songs...for the most part, Nick Cave is a pretty dark character... most of their music is pretty dark...(for lack of a better way to describe them---someone jump in and help out if you can!) one example i can give, there was a song a looooong time ago by a C&W singer called Glenn Campbell...the song was called "By the time I get to Phoenix"...well, Nick Cave does the cover version pretty long and drawn out and quite the opposite of how it's supposed to i guess you could say his cover versions end up to be parodies of the originals... gee, wish i could explain this better than i am..... they RARELY tour the US though...generally they tour Europe