From: Zbadba@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: concert Date: Mon Jul 25 23:44:45 1994 Well, I went to Cedar Point... It was insanely cool... :) (I'm a coaster fanatic, so... ) The Magnum was pretty good, but very skimpy on the ride part of the equation- all it has, really, is the huge drop, a little sideways thingy, and that's it. But it's hard to beat 194' down a 60 degree angle. :) The Raptor was very slick, and worth the wait (almost 2 hrs). Your legs dangle and you have a perfect view if you're in the front. It's wild. especially the corscrew thingy where the track turns around on an axis and your legs are spun outwards. Very very cool. The Corkscrew... well, not really worth mentioning. Way too short. But the 3 inversions are nice, as is the part where you go over the people. The Mean Streak - didn't ride it, couldn't tell ya. It wasn't worth the huge line. The Gemini... I liked this one. Sure, it's old, not that steep, wooden, no loops or such, but it was a well designed ride- well placed hills, lotsa fun! (I went on it about 3 times within half an hour).