From: paradox@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Okey dokey... Date: Thu Jul 21 17:49:23 1994 I'm only saying this once and only once, because ppl. are asking me too many times what I listen to. ANYTHING techno/rave... Occasional House music... Industrial(Skinny Puppy, Front 242, Die Krupps, etc..) Dead Kennedys Dead Milkmen Jane's Addiction Smashing Pumpkins Fats Domino Classical Music Gravity's Pull New Order Faith No More The Fixx Pink Floyd Suicidal Tendencies Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack The Doors The Beatles R.E.M. S&The Banshees Umm... The Clash The Cure The Cult The The Indigo Girls Billy Idol(Cyberpunk ONLY) Enigma Enya And.... last, but as y'all know, not least, NINE INCH NAILS!!!! *wink* *hug* -'Dox- .s Shit.