From: Zbadba@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: concert Date: Wed Jul 20 17:31:46 1994 Well, just saw the Spin Doctors/Gin Blossoms/Cracker show in Pittsburgh. I thought the show was excellent, especially the sound quality. It sounded great... no overdriven speakers or amps, but still plenty loud. (I believe one of the Gin Blossoms pointed out that the sound engineer on their tour is the highest paid in the industry). It was only the fourth show on the tour, so there were a few kinks, but probably none noticable to anyone not experienced in lighting or sound design. Cracker played the shortest set, (some 40 minutes I think), so it was distilled to the "highlites" (if you will), like Mr. Wrong, Million Miles, etc. Gin Blossoms, well, what can I say... they sound great live, but they still can't escape the reality that all their songs sound almost the same (different chords, but same structure and tempo usually). The Spin Doctors were outstanding live, as usual. (Having listened to them since they were playing on public radio, it's not a surprise.) There was the obligatory encore (yeah, right, I'm sure they would end the show w/o playing Two Princes... uhuh... sure... ). All told, the 4 1/2 hrs of music was a bargain for the $10.25 lawn tix, tho in other places tix may be more expensive- arenas for example. Keep an eye out for this tour if it comes your way.