From: Cat@yabbs To: pbj@yabbs Subject: re: Tori Amos Date: Thu Jul 14 00:09:50 1994 well i've only heard a tiny bit of the stuff she's done, but i really like what i have listened to. i like her sultry voice and the way she plays the piano...i'd love to be able to play the piano while i sing or an accoustic guitar or even a harp... i saw the indigo girls in concert and they were really neat...and they had some neat lighting too. it was the first concert i'd ever seen but i liked it and would like to see more. only thing i didn't enjoy were the people smoking pot next to us but i s'pose that's to be expected when sitting on the lawn. after seening someone perform live in concert...listening to recordings of their music just isn't the same....not necessarily better or worse but different -tammie