From: Terrius@yabbs To: PanPan@yabbs Subject: re: MOLG Date: Thu Jul 7 00:16:33 1994 I'd say Golgotha Tenement is fairly representative. Although I like the lyrics in their other stuff better. I'd advise checking into "Concentration" which is their second album. Their first one isn't quite so cool, and does not resemble Golgotha Tenement at all. The song "Butterfly Wings" and "Perfect Tan" got some degree of airplay, these are two songs off of Concentration. -Tb "Don't place faith in material things material things will fail you A hurricane triggered by a butterfly's wings... Conspirators betray you. Don't place faith in human beings human beings are unreliable things. Don't place faith in human beings... human beings or - butterfly wings." MoLG ('cept I think it's "You can't" in the first verse, oh well.)