From: Zbadba@yabbs To: ducky@yabbs Subject: re: parental advisory stickers Date: Fri Jun 10 16:20:43 1994 You see parental advisory stickers all over the place in florida- It's actually illegal to sell stickered records to minors in the state! (Can you believe this?) Of course, this is the state that pionereered such pillars of morality as the 11pm weekday/midnite weekend curfew for minors (currently being challenged by the ACLU in Dade county), political indoctrination (a recent measure passed by the Lake City school board (which is dominated by fundamentalist Christians) requires teachers to teach that American society and culture is superior not only to every culture in the world, but every culture that ever was), and the banning of expression considered offensive by those in power (2 Live Crew comes to mind, as does the film "The Last Temptation of Christ," both of which were banned in large areas of the state). But I digress.