From: hashish@yabbs To: PanPan@yabbs Subject: the rollins gig Date: Mon Jun 6 23:41:29 1994 sorry about the delay, but the our network was down on monday. so here's the lowdown on the rollins show on friday june 3rd. kim salmon were on first at 7 but i was at the pub waiting for some friends. got to the horden at 8 just as kim salmon were finishing up. hung around outside during the change over, then went in just in time to see tumbleweed coming on. i got a good place on the dance floor pretty close to the stage to watch tumbleweed put on a great show. the crowd was going off (and so was the security at the front - which is what some of my friends told me). one of the guitarists from tumbleweed broke a string but they played on anyway while the poor bastard had to fix it himself. hung around outside again after tumbleweed had finished waiting for rollins to come on. went back in about 5 minutes before rollins came on and the place was packed! rollins came out (crowd went wild - expected) and they got straight into it playing most of the stuff off weight. it was an excellent show with really good sound. henry is a great performer - gets totally in to the music - and he gave a bit of spoken word before each song usually about what the song was about. there was one cool bit which i'll try to remember as best as possible: this dude throws a t-shirt at rollins just after he finished singing one song, rollins said "don't throw things at the singer, that's like....(turns around and picks up bottle of water from in front of the drum kit)...that's like this.......(tips out the water on to the stage) have a drink...(looking at the dude who through the shirt)...have a drink....(drinks some)...tastes great.....have a drink...(water runs out)...don't throw shit at the singer...(holds up the bottle)...i'm not even gonna throw this at you...(throws bottle behind him). they did a 10 minute improv on one song (forget the fuckin' name) which had some spun out drum sounds. the bass player looked totally amazed at the type of people in the crowd and he went off on his 5 string all night. after they went off everyone started yelling "henry..henry" and they came back out and did a short encore. rollins band played for about 1 and a half hours and it was a fuckin' great show!