From: hashish@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: hardcore Date: Mon Jun 6 18:22:45 1994 that old church sounds like a great place to see a band, especially some old hardcore bands which are few and far between these days but i guess they had their era. i prefer to see a band in a pub/club type atmosphere than really huge venues, although rollins at the horden was fuckin' great but then again that place isn't that big but about as big as i can handle. a mate of mine is a drummer in a band called scurge (used to be crimston ash), they haven't got anything released yet but they've played a few gigs around sydney and the sound is pretty cool. aussie band u am i are touring the states with soundgarden, this would be a great show - you should check it out if you can - u am i have a great sound and they totally impressed sonic youth when they were out here last!