From: hashish@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: Rollins Date: Thu Jun 2 20:50:12 1994 Weight has some good tracks but unfortunately doesn't feel as intense as End of the Silence and Do It. I feel the need for a Black Flag revival! The Rollins concert out here (which is tonight!) is being supprted by Tumbleweed (fuckin' cool local band) and Kim Salmon (don't know who these dudes are and their on first so I'm gonna skip them and go for a few beers and then catch the Weed followed by Rollins. Tickets are $32 (aussie dollars) which is cheap for a big show at the Horden. I don't listen to much speed/death/grind anymore and am not really into Pantera, BUT I've heard a couple of tracks by Clutch and thought it was pretty spun out...reminded me of Helmet(fuckin' brillant). Talk to ya soon, hashish