From: Soz@yabbs To: a@yabbs Subject: MIDI Date: Sun Apr 10 20:15:01 1994 I have a few technical questions maninly about MIDI, can anyone help? 1) Does anyone know of any good ftp sites for music, paticularly patches for keyboards. 2) I have a soundcard for a PC. Its a Voyetra Viva Maestro 16 and has a SCSI interface. Is anyone familar with this card? Can the SCSI interface on it be used to control other things other than a CD, the manual seems to indicate that it cant, but not directly. Also can a change the standard patches. 3) And finally a far less computerish question. Does anyone know of a cheap alternitive to SMPTE codes for puting audio tracks along with sequenced. (4 track recording). If you think you can help, please Email me - or leave a message for me here. Ta much.