From: htoaster@yabbs To: rick@yabbs Subject: re: question? Date: Thu Feb 24 09:39:22 1994 In message question?, rick said: > I would like to pose a question to the masses... If a white south african > moves to the u.s. and becomes a citizen of the U.S. does that make him a > African American. Think about it...does this mean a total change in the > tittle that the black americans have placed on them selves. and why must > balck americans have a different labels for them selves. Is the tittle of > American not sufficient for all.. no, not really (my father has done the above, he was born in s. africa, and became a US citizen in the '70s). If you look at the white culture there it is really about the farthest thing from African, and really much more English (at least this is what I have seen in my multiple trips to Zimbabwe). You could argue that the culture is somewhat of a mixture of the two, but it still isn't the much different culture of the native Africans that were there originally. The problem with the title of American is that it doesn't take into account the previous history of ones culture. American culture is still largely based on the white anglo-saxan culture of western europe, even though a large percentage of our citizens come from other lands. African American is a just a term that tries to accept this, and show that yes, while they are Americans, they also realize that they orginally came from a much different culture and would still like to understand that. alex