From: dmonger@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: LAMERS! Date: Wed Feb 23 10:00:35 1994 I have to agree with ht on this one. Cosmos, I've been here longer than you, though I only started using the system regularly very recently. I don't remember this system belonging to anyone but htoaster. If you don't like the direction things are going, work to change them constructively (and no, your method of changing things is not constructive). I've thrashed a person or two since I've been here, but I definately haven't enjoyed it as much as you have. Yabbs wouldn't be yabbs if it wasn't a free system. I can think of quite a few nice people I've met who wouldn't be able to get on at all if there were some cool eleeet test or an admissions committee cause they started out not knowing how to run this thing. Maybe everyone didn't start out as a newbie (some of us have had a little more netiquette training than others), but if you sit around and say "this is my system, get off" i'm not sure how you are any better than the people who come in and start off by trying to offend anyone. Any idea cosmos? Just a thought -peter who really hates the word netiquette, but likes it more than UFOlogist which he learned on encounters, the UFO conspiracy last night :)