From: Deaska@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Newbies. Date: Wed Feb 23 09:26:40 1994 I gotta agree with Kidd, even though I've only been on here a month later, Yabbs has become a little less (little???) what it was waaaaaaay back in '93... sure, I've met heaps of great ppl here, and that's my main attraction to this place. It just seems that the trend is that most of the trash ouor screens comes from uninitiated ppl, who are either new to this bbs, or new to the net, and have no idea of netiquette. You just get sick of the crap after a while... Argh!.. why can't everyone be civilized? or is this the way its s'posed to be? Deask's 2 cents