From: Cat@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Newbies. Date: Wed Feb 23 08:27:27 1994 Heck, I think any old person that wants to ought to come and chat on yabbs or any other bbs. If you don't feel like chatting with them on yabbs, then for pete's sake make another channel, don't start a war! This us vrs. them let's all complain about the new people is really discouraging. Keeping with the spirit of the channel, which seems to be lost, but then again, isn't everything SOME SORT of mind game? Heck again, I forgot what I was going to say. Oh well! :) And I HAVE met some real nice "newbies" (what an awful word, I hate labels) this week. :) Next post will be related to the topic I promise, I just had to throw this one in here...:) Cat