From: Steyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Joke (Cont...) Date: Fri Aug 12 02:32:22 1994 (Continued from post 676 ...) Fred crept into his son's room and found everything in perfect order. Nothing was smashed or broken, there were no dead bodies laying around, nothing. Not even a single pink golfball of the hundreds that Jim had been given. Another year passed, and Jim only ever asked for more and more pink golfballs. 100, 200, 500, 1000 pink golfballs !!! And as always, Jim locked himself in his room and for days, all that could be heard from him was bangs, crashes, choking sounds, laughter, screams, moderated air raid sirens, and now something that closely resembles silenced gun shots. When Jim next emerged from his room, he came to his father and said, "Dad, where do they make these pink golfballs ?". Fred told his son that the golfballs came from a factory in Saudi Arabia and that he had to deal directly with the factory since he had been buying bulk. Jim said "Dad, can we please please please PLEASE go visit this factory ? PLEEEEEASE !". Fred had nothing better to do that weekend, so on Saturday morning the two of them boarded his private Leer jet and took off for Saudi Arabia ... (Continued next post ...) ,,, (o o) +----oOO--(_)--OOo----+ +--------------------------+ | \ \ | | Barry Noble / / Melbourne, Australia. | | (Steyr) \ \ | | / / | +---------------------+ +--------------------------+ Next post is the last part of the joke by the way. :)