From: Steyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Jokes. Date: Tue Aug 9 11:25:17 1994 Was just wondering if anyone has some insanely funny jokes. I have two old favourites that crack me up everytime, but they're pretty stupid really and I'm about the only person in the world who finds them funny. And don't I feel like a dick when I tell a joke and everyone just stares at me blankly. The first of them is short and simple .... Q. Why did the koala fall out of the tree ? A. Because it was dead. *takes a break to roll around on the floor laughing* The second is quite a long joke, and needs to be drawn out for it's impact. So to tell that one I'll spread it over several posts, with a small time gap between each post. Here goes ... There's a really rich man named Fred, who has a single child. A son named Jim. Now Fred is filthy rich and promised himself that as his son grew up, Jim would have anything and everything his little heart desired. By the time he was 6 years old, Jim had all the toys imaginable for a young boy. His father had run out of imagination for things to get him and his 7th birthday was in a few days. So Fred went up to his son, and said "Jim, I have no idea what to get you, so just tell me what you want and it's yours. Absolutely anything you want, just name it." Jim thinks about this for a little while, and says "Dad, I know this sounds a little strange, but I've thought about it, and all I want for my birthday is ..." (Continued next post - probably tomorrow) ,,, (o o) +----oOO--(_)--OOo----+ +--------------------------+ | \ \ | | Barry Noble / / Melbourne, Australia. | | (Steyr) \ \ | | / / | +---------------------+ +--------------------------+ P.S. If you've heard this one, then just shut up. But if EVERYONE has heard it (and it is quite old) then just tell ME to shut up. :)