From: Zbadba@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: What am I doing? Date: Fri Jul 22 19:42:20 1994 I have always been fascinated with the technical, for many reasons. For one, I've been using computers since I was 5 or so. It didn't take me long to realize I knew more than my parents about computers, and to realize I knew more than my parents about these machines. This gave me a certain power... maybe that's why I love computers. Those who are in the know have the power. I still feel a sense of pride when I hack out a good snatch of code. I was well on my way to CS or ECE, but then I was asked to do sound for a school theatre production, and that was it. I got hooked into the theatre. It allowed me to do technical work, but in addition to the pride I get when I do a good design, I also get the rush of a live production. Though I know I am probably be dirt poor for a long time after I graduate, I'm not concerned. Ht said it well with poor+happy > rich+unhappy.