From: Death@yabbs To: topi@yabbs Subject: re: something of interest.. Date: Fri Jul 22 13:36:12 1994 Hmm.. Well, I guess you could say that I decided what I was going to do when I was about 10. I've always been fascinated with the way things work, and how to make them work better. When I was 10, I got my first _real_ computer (ie not a commiedore :) and it truly fascinated me. Since then, I have endeavoured to learn all that I could about computers, both hardware and software. Now I know a heck of a lot more than I did then, although I still don't know at least twice as much as I DO know, and I'm not really sick of 'puters yet. My problem, however, is that I'm also interested in a few hundred other things, some of them almost as much as I'm interested in 'puters. For instance, I got a 5 on the AP English test as easily as I did on the Comp. Science test... It makes deciding what I really want to do in life a bitch, but I think for now at least I'll stay with 'puters. --Les