From: Pele@yabbs To: topi@yabbs Subject: re: something of interest.. Date: Fri Jul 22 12:02:46 1994 I just thought of an importan turning point in my life though. Why I want to be a nuclear physicist: When I was about 11/12 I got really sick (never knew what it was) and I was in bed for about two or three months. During that time, I got into reading lots of books. Well I was looking for the word elephant in the encyclopedia and found the word electron on the way. I read up on it and was intantly facinated. And adult friend of mine gave me a copy of "A Brief History of Time," a then newly released book by Stephen Hawking and told me that it was designied for the layman to understand. I read it and understood nothing. At that point, I decided tthat I will learn it all Hence, my field of study Pele