From: Cat@yabbs To: topi@yabbs Subject: re: something of interest.. Date: Fri Jul 22 10:24:12 1994 hmm interesting topic...well the reason i decided to work towards being an english teacher... when i was little, my favorite things were animals and books. i used to want to be a veteranarian until a) i volunteered at the vet's and burst into tears whenever something had to be put to sleep, b)went to hs and discovered my mathematical and scientific abilities were non-existant and c)went to a blood drive and found out i faint at the sight of blood...that ruled out being a vet, so i thought about what kind of career i could have with books and decided i would teach them. people also facinate me so i thought being a teacher would be a good idea and here i am, going into my second year of studying english and education at uvm...well that's about it :) -tammie