From: topi@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: something of interest.. Date: Fri Jul 22 09:52:08 1994 When I was growing up, around the age of 14/15, there was a group of us girls sitting around and dreaming about what wonderful riches we would have when we "grew up". It was the usual thing, a HUGE house, servants, lots of clothes and jewels etc..... One of my friends pointed out how we would have to set out to find ourselves rich husbands to provide all this for us. It was at this moment (and due to some recent letdowns in my young life), that I decided that I was NOT going to rely on someone else to provide for all my wants. That the only way I was going to be assured of getting what I wanted, was to go out and get it for myself. So thats when I knew I had to get a good, rich job. Thats why I'm going to be an engineer.(well, not All the reasons..) The thing is, that was a crucial turning point in my life, something snapped, and it all happened within this on minute and I completely remember it all. I just wondered if anybody else has had any experiences like that, and of what has motivated the rest of you into doing what you are doing at the moment, or have chosen to do in your futures. -Cath.