From: Steyr@yabbs To: htoaster@yabbs Subject: re: b & b Date: Thu Jul 21 02:37:58 1994 Well I guess she maintains her figure through a careful diet. Come to think of it ... I've never really seen her eat much :) Gee, and I guess barby dolls don't really help the blondes-are-not-all-airheads cause much. Ever cracked a barby open ? Totally empty inside :) I guess that means (to the woe of millions of little kids) that Barby is really just a heartless bitch, and not the wonderful character she is made out to be. :) ,,, (o o) +----oOO--(_)--OOo----+ +--------------------------+ | \ \ | | Barry Noble / / Melbourne, Australia. | | (Steyr) \ \ | | / / | +---------------------+ +--------------------------+