From: jujubee@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: bleeding Date: Fri Jul 15 18:40:22 1994 jujubee thinks it over....decides it's worth a try....assumes "kickee" position..... while in "kickee" position...jujubee ponders the thought some more...decides against it.....she stands up RIGHT IN THE NICK OF TIME! as she sees dmonger sauntering toward her w/his shiny new spikey-looking cockroach-in-the-corner-killer boots on......*YIPES!* jujubee takes off running faster than one can say "Yup, i think OJ did it!" *Phew!* that was a close call...i think i like myself JUST the way i am.... jujubee skips merrily on her way....