From: Cat@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: bleeding Date: Fri Jul 15 12:23:38 1994 sure, that'd be lovely....if you did it right you could look like a fountain speaking of... i was in this funky new age store and they were selling rubber brains and eyeballs and such in one section and for the display they had this mannequin with no arms and her hair in curlers dressed in white laying on a bed with all the eyeballs and stuff as well as some coloring anatony books all over the bed. it looks really neat. they also had this room set up with all sorts of bug stuff, like bug jars and bug hand puppets (the ant and cockroach ones were really cool) and they had a live tarantula.... and another one set up with glow in the dark stuff and lava lamps and once with the pop art stuff like warhol and another one set up like a jungle. there were hardly any lights in the place and it was kinda creepy but really really cool at the same time. lots of toys to play with. i'll show it to you, you'd like it. the whole place was one big visual mind game..set up to make people feel uncomfortable..wish there were more stores like that around -tammie