From: pbj@yabbs To: dmonger@yabbs Subject: re: spontaneous combustion Date: Mon Jul 11 22:11:21 1994 i think that they had an episode on "Picket Fences" once whe nthe mayor S.C.ed it twas purty funny...something about stress and alcohol..i dunno A friend of mine came up with this tripped out theory on spontaneous combustion it goes something like this..... 90% of your body heat escapes through your head humans use only 10% of their brain power therefore if you ever end up using 100 % of your brain power..the amount of heat that it would create for mthe chemical reactions involved in theat many thought processes + the great amount of your body heat escaping throuhg yur head you would spontaneously combust well we can tell i'm not using even 10% of my brain power at this moment cause then my typing wouldn't suck so bad...but any way that was his theory have funn pbj