From: Steyr@yabbs To: Destiny@yabbs Subject: Faces behind the words. Date: Mon Feb 21 20:14:09 1994 I can't deny that meeting a net-friend can certainly result in a good friendship IRL, and perhaps even has a better chance to do so than normal. However the point I am trying to make is that you can't assume that if you like someone on the net you will like them IRL. Over the net I don't consiously hide anything about myself, although I do feel that I present a slightly different front. I get a buzz out of meeting ppl IRL who I already know over the net but I approach it with a little caution and perhaps, common-sense (I think), just in case who I meet is not the same as I thought. I think most ppl will agree that it is interesting, if not good, to meet the faces behind the words, but the difference lies in what degree they agree with it. We could go on like this till we are blue in the face (fingers ??) and still get no further. It really is up to the individual - how secure they feel around others and their past experiences. So how about some INTERESTING topics on Mind Games ... like how to subconsciously persuade ppl to bend to your slightest desire ! -=: Steyr :=-