From: Destiny@yabbs To: Steyr@yabbs Subject: hmm... Date: Mon Feb 21 19:59:56 1994 I guess you and I base uor different opinionson our own separate experiences. It has been my experience that the people I meet off IRC are very much the same as they had been in IRC. This is attributed to the fact that these particular people were genuine in their thoughts and actions to begin with. There were no false fronts while on IRC so there was no need to break through a false front in person and discoverr the person was not at all like they had once appeared. I guess if you choose your companions wisely on the net, they may continue to be great friends off the net. Again, this is only from my experience. I am sure everyone's experiences have been and will be different, but I just thougth I would share what I knew with the rest of you. Thanks for taking the time to read :) -Dest'