From: Covenant@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: re: Here's a mind game.. Date: Wed Jun 29 21:57:35 1994 In message re: Here's a mind game.., Cat said: > > guess i'm what you would call the [eccentric] one of the family.... Man, you guys/gals have to meet my family. Especially my old man. We've all got tatoos (mom,dad,sister,me) and worship harleys. heheee My old man takes the cake though. I went home last year and saw a wooden cross and some flowers behind the house. I asked mom: "did one of the cats die?". "Nope", she said, "your dad like to go up to the graveyard on his bike and dig through the trashcans". He rides his bike with no shirt, no socks, boots, cutoff shorts, and a suit vest. He buys suit vests at yard sales all of the time. His hat is a ballcap with the bill cutoff. I asked him why he did that and he said the wind kept blowing it off. I asked why he didn't just wear it backwards and he said: "yeah right. I'd look like one of those punk kids on Hondas". I talked to him on the phone last fall and he was pissed off. He said that all of the leaves had fallen off of the trees and he could see our 'neighbors' porch light (one mile away). He was getting ready to shoot it out because he felt 'closed in'. He's got a patched together chinese military issue rifle that he uses to shoot groundhogs in the hayfield from the porch. The man is my god: I worship him unconditionally. Mom's a refugee from Catholic school and if anyone gives her a bottle of wine as a present, she mixes it with a slushed Boones Farm and goes for a walk along the railroad tracks. I called her from school 6 years ago when I was a freshman and she asked me: "are you studying alot?". I said some, but that I'd been skipping my 8:00 Chem class because we were getting drunk 5 or 6 nights a week and that my GPA was going to shit. She said: "Well, just remember to have fun and not to study too hard. If you study too hard you'll just burn yourself out." My mommy kicks ass. She's the shit. My sister follows The Dead now. Not exclusively, but damn near. She was voted Prom Queen in High School and tripped and fell down the stage stairs drunk off of her ass at the dance when they anounced the candidates. She said she didn't even remember any of it nor did she care to. Her airforce cargo plane also hauled one of those released Iranian hostages (can't remember the name) back to Germany. They got hammered on the way to Germany as he kept babbling about how long it had been since he had seen a woman. I've seen her drink men 5 times her size under the table. My little sis rules. Sorry, guess I'm just getting homesick. I do tend to brag them up sometimes (though that is all true). What can I say, they're the coolest and most eccentric people I know. Hmmmm, why did I write all of this? Oh well, talk to you all in chat. Covenant, The Appalachian