From: Steyr@yabbs To: all@yabbs Subject: Afterlife (Still) Date: Thu Jun 16 00:54:44 1994 Just a thought ... What is there after the afterlife ? Or does the afterlife last eternally ? If so ... wouldn't it get boring after a while ? Afterall ... who wants to live forever whether it's in some sort of nirvana or not. Or perhaps this IS the afterlife ... and this life is our own personal heaven or hell depending on what we make of it. Does anyone here believe in reincarnation on this earth ? Perhaps as a different caste or even a different life form depending on how "well" you performed in your last life. Or maybe "life" is just a whole bunch of electrical impulses and chemical reactions, and when we die the electricity dissapates into some other form of energy and the pysical side of us just decomposes. Perhaps there is no "soul", no "God/gods/godesses", no "afterlife", no "reincarnation". Perhaps a bleak outlook ... but why does there HAVE to be something after death ? Ok, so this topic has pretty much been done to death already (is there an afterlife for topics/ideas ?) and I guess there's no solid answers to all this anyway. Oh, but to all those who firmly believe there IS an afterlife, is there one for plants as well ? They are alive too. ,,, (o o) +----oOO--(_)--OOo----+ +--------------------------+ | \ \ | | Barry Noble / / Melbourne, Australia. | | (Steyr) \ \ | | / / | +---------------------+ +--------------------------+