From: Deaska@yabbs To: buzzbomb@yabbs Subject: hard deck consciousness Date: Fri Jun 10 12:27:26 1994 Buzz, ya wrote somethin' like this methinx: > but if they could walk through walls why didn't they fall through the floors?????? ok, now we all know that ST:TNG had a limited time per episode to pack everything in... so they cannot possibly successfully achieve yer suspension of disbelief in a totality... an' it's hollywood soo.. hehe but here's another theory fer ya ta munch on... Assuming that ghosts do exist or "out-of-phasing" etc an' that they were able to walk through walls and other obstruction that would impede movemnet in normal circumstances, but do not fall through the floor... This can be explained by Hard Deck Consciousness ( no ref's, I jus thought the idea awhile ago when I was writing a story on afterlife ). HDCis applied whn the entity, who has lived a lifetime, expecting hard ground to be under them, and gravity to keep them there... can go on in an environment that does not accommodate normal hard ground... i.e. yer a ghost or non-matter consciousness, and still benefit from a simulation of ground, as provided by the mind. To look at one of the closest examples of HDC.. we can watch the motion picture "Ghost", which partially demonstrates theories of mind over matter, in which our protagonist, must unlearn his previous consciousness experiences in order to jump through doors, moving trains, and beat up his best buddy. His mind was so used to having the normal limitation of our material being that when he lost his meat, the mind refused to adapt, until it was forced to. However Hard Deck Consciousness is not only applicable with yer everyday friendly sppok or star trek character... but also has some real life applications, especailly notable in Space Transportation. In a few centuries time, (provided that we are still around) human kind will no longer be bound to their planet, ad will be able to colonize space and the greatr system. Sure this all sounds fantasy, and what does it have to do with HDC? Well, if modern speculative fiction is as close as it is t what will be, then you will have vessels that will support thousands of people, shipping them across the commercial and government lanes from colony to colony..etc etc.. what this also means it that without some form of artificial gravity, you'll have heaps of people floating around endlessly. HDC enables the future travellers to use their minds to trick them to sticking to the floor. All because you expect it to happen... Ok, please treat this as a piece of speculative fiction, I'm not in any way advocating that HDC is a reality now, or later... however, after studying paranormal papers and texts, you may come across instances where people have defied gravity while in a trance... (i.e. returned soviet cosmonauts regressed back to a mission, floating unaided from their seats as observed by camera, and researchers present during the sessions) chew on it,... an enquiring mind is healthy :) anyone here watch Xfiles? apart from the Mulderisms, its kinda entertaining... though the question is, does he get Dana Scully to bed? *chuckle* I should be asleep... sorry if the above is worthless crap, I'm soooo tired... night all D'