From: buzzbomb@yabbs To: Natalie@yabbs Subject: re: life, afterlife, prelife,.. Date: Thu Jun 9 10:00:40 1994 just a bunch of (kinda) random thoughts.... - cool story topi! i never thought of it that way.... there was a news show on last night about near death experiences (NDE's) and scientists were saying that it's all physiological - the "light at the end of the tunnel" effect is because the brain is running out of oxygen and that's causing neurons to fire off randomly, exciting more and more of the optical nerves so that a big spot of white light (all colors of the spectrum) appears in the center of the eyes and gets bigger... the feeling of comfort and love is because of endorphins (natural opiates your body produces in times of stress or pain, and death is definitely one of those times!)... and they were able to induce an out of body experience by electrically stimulating a certain part of someone's brain, and this could happen in an NDE because of the random firings of neurons... just a different view... - if different stimuli can change (at least temporarily) a person's intelligence and creativity (beethoven has been shown to do this) and other's reduce it (getting drunk/stoned) what would happen if (these are actual situations me and my friends have been in and wondered about ): you get stoned and then play chess; listen to punk rock and play chess; listen to beethoven after watching stupid TV sitcoms... i guess it all balances out huh? never mind i dunno what i'm talking about.