From: Deaska@yabbs To: Cat@yabbs Subject: afterlife Date: Wed Jun 8 21:34:57 1994 What explanation would you give to the phenomena commonly termed as 'ghosts'... don't get me wrong, I'm jus like Natalie on my viewpoint towards religions... but the thing that fascinates me, is what if when we cark it, some of us get to float around an' watch life go on without us... an' occassionally we can affect that reality...? Ofcourse hollywood has done heaps of stuff about ghosts in that situation, and largely I think it's all shit... but just as food for thought, wouldn't it be kewl, provided that you were not alone, because that's probly my biggest fear of the possibilities of an afterlife... And that also leads me to Steyr'swords...> Terry Pratchett (in his book "Pyramids" I think) If such an afterlife is true, then it suggests that our minds belong to a higher realm, to retain its own self consciousness beyond the body, and the physical/spiritual plane... it's suggesting that we ourselves are gods, thus enabled to create our own universe within our "dead" imaginations. If you expect a certain reality or consciousness beyond death, then your mind will kick in when you're due an' grant that to you... hmmm... is that not godly? (keep in mind this is not a religious arguement I'm expanding on here...) Although what I do find disturbing with Pratchett's theory is that the afterlife you're experiencing is false, the people, or the environs is all but "a figment of your imagination" and essentially you are alone... that scares the shit out of me, because you still cease to exist... no one else to acknowledge your existence in the greater fabric of consciousness... Deask' (still workin' on his essays :( )